Saturday 11 February 2012


I have decided to try this again and start a new blog!!! I am super excited for family (especially thoughts afar like Argentina, New Zealand, Calgary & Austrailias) and friends too see a small look into our lives.

2011 was a great year but also a hard year. We have been trying to get pregnant again for 4 years and have been unsuccessful in doing so. In 2010 we lots twins and now again in 2011 we lost another baby right before Christmas. This time Madeline our 4 year old was affected by the pregnancy, she cried as much as we did. She still asks if Jesus will give us back the baby. After the last miscarriage I have taken more time too love the precious gift we were give, Madeline, and she is our beauty and very special gift! My heart hurts when people ask if we are only having 1 child! We are all trusting in God that he will either add to our family or just make us have a small but wonderful family of 3.

Here is my beauty after church in the church parking lot doing her super cute pose, love her so much!!!

I love my family so much and love that there are 3 of us, there are so many times I long for more but we are blessed!!!


  1. Sorry to hear of your loss again, praying for sweet success on your journey {& patience & peace}.

  2. I heard about your loss just after we saw you around Christmas and I was so sorry I didn't know before so I could offer you condolences and (((hugs))). I called you to talk but then I was away and time just passed by. I pray that God will give you the desires of your heart. Thank you for sharing--it helps me know what I can pray for for you guys and that it is something you are open to talk about. God bless you.
