Sunday 12 February 2012


Today we have decided to have a home day, our little money isn't feeling her best, normally we would be heading to church this morning! I have decided to do Portrait Valentine Cards again this year! This is last years session, Madeline and Mommy had a super fun time getting the cards ready! So today, I know we are doing them a little late, we are going to take some portraits of Madeline and send them to London Drugs just in time for Madeline's Valentine Party at Preschool!
 At our house we don't go all out for Valentine's Day....but its super cute watching our daughter get super excited about it! My sister and I are throwing a Valentine's Party at her house this year with the children's from the girls Preschool Class! Its a great day for the kids to have a playdate while decorating cookies and doing a valentine's craft! I love to have a reason to throw a party!
 Here's too hoping our Valentine's portrait session goes well! I found a super cute idea on Pinterest if it works I will post how it turns out tomorrow!

Enjoy lovin' on your family today, thats what my plan today is!

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